Thursday, September 29, 2005

Making friends

Before my first class in the morning, I was sitting listening to music, the earbuds cutting me off from the world. Just started to put the MD player away when this girl sitting next to me says hi. Apparently, she's in three of the four courses I'm taking this term. And we were both in this one class last term also, which had something like 20 people in it. I had no idea.

No wonder I can't make friends. (And I think this is the first time in months that I socialized with a 'stranger'. Sigh.)

1 comment:

wy jay said...

Wyjay is the qualitative answer to life, the universe and everything (42 being the quantitative). It means everything! Well no, it's just my initials, as you may have guessed.

I don't really understand this extending personal space thing. So does the public space become your own? Or is your private space becoming public?