Sunday, March 25, 2007


Wouldn't that have been an awesome ministry to be included into the world of "1984"? I'm sure Big Brother loves cheesecake. Who doesn't? Anyway, this was my first attempt at making a cheesecake of any kind, and I had no idea what I was doing. I just got this recipe off of, and went at it. I didn't want to buy any extra pans or anything, and these looked easy to eat also.

They're supposed to be tiny-cupcake sized, but I didn't have the right pan or tiny-cupcake cups. And that'd be too small anyway; you'd have to eat like 3 at once, then feel all guilty about eating so many. But made three times bigger, you'd be able to savour the cheesecake-y goodness with little guilt or fuss.

I also tried to make the crust come all the way around, so that you wouldn't really need the cup to hold it:

It looks interesting but the cheese taste didn't really come out as much in this one. I also kind of failed with the crust; it tasted blah and the texture was kinda nasty. When it was fresh out of the oven, it was pretty greasy looking too. Better luck next time.

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