(You can click on the pictures to look at the bigger version.) These are all churches found near where I'm currently residing. They take up the top floor(s?) of a plaza building. See how in the third one, after the church service, you have the option of going to the "Beer King" on the second floor. Above it is a Karaoke bar and another (non-bar) Karaoke place. And these churches all have names written on their little symbolic steeple. From left to right, they say "Return" (as in "Return to the fold, ye sinners"?), "Church of Happiness", and "The Open Church".

The church may also be this square gray building, with few identifying marks other than the huge cross on them. Non-Christian Korean people often have a bad impression of churches; maybe if the church buildings look nicer they'd feel more kindly towards them? Finally, look yonder, a distant light beckoning, the ligh of... a burning cross? I'm not too fond of crosses that light up, and maybe the ones that do light up shouldn't be red.
I'm kind of craving a beautiful old church right now...
Hey Agatha, I sent you an email, check your gmail!
Also, I wonder if the beer is meant to be consumed before or after the service? And could it be used for the communion wine? Since, we know, only the priest gets to drink.
A bit of beer in the priest/minister may make the service more interesting, I'm sure. They wouldn't even need to water it down, probably.
I'm wondering whether the Karaoke place has a catalogue of popular hymns.
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