Girl Genius is one of the webcomics I read regularly. Despite its rather bland title, it's well written and the art is cool. I must say, though, the female characters are so well-endowed as to be almost startling. It's drawn by Studio Foglio, which I believe is a husband-wife team, and they call their comic a "gaslamp fantasy"--which is basically SF as imagined by people from the Victorian era. There are lots of gadgets, machines and even robots, but nary an insulated copper wire or computer chip in sight. It's all black grease, gears and steam power. As the Foglios say in their FAQ: "Is it magic? Is it science? A little of both, I suppose–it's
Mad Science."
It took until nearly the end of volume 1 for me to really get into it, but I eventually became pretty attached to the characters; especially sweet, scheming Gilgamesh Wulfenbach (great name, no?) and the Jägermonsters, whose accent is very fun. There's adventure, romance, family secrets, a travelling circus, mad scientists (with mad skillzz) and a whole lot of insane people in general.
And then there's the bonus of the main character's name:

from Girl Genius, by Phil & Kaja Foglio
Why, it's nice to see you too, Gil.
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